Top 10 Rath Yatra | Rath Yatra 2021 | Date | History

Top 10 Rath Yatra

Rath Yatra 2021

Why Jagannath Rath Yatra celebrated?

They celebrate this festival in the memory of Lord Jagannath. He is one of the ten incarnations of Vishnu. Fifteen days after his annual bath, they bring him out. Lord Jagannath placed on a Rath or car with his elder brother Balabhadra and his sister Subhadra.

The holy chariot is ready to go to Jagannath’s “Masir Bari“. Here Jagannath rests for a week. After that, devotees continue with their offerings to god for a week. It comes after a week of Jagannath’s return from his ‘Masir bari’, and Balabhadra and sister Subhadra will come back to their temple.



Rath Yatra festival 2021 Date

Every year they celebrate the Rath Yatra/ Bahuda Tour on the ‘Shukla Tithi’ of the Bengali month of “Asar” and in June of English celebrate in puri.

This year on 12 July 2021 Shri Jagannath will celebrate in the Rath Yatra / Bahuda tour in Puri. But due to covid, the no big procession, only medically fit priest can join this cerimony.


1.   Puri Shri Jagannath Rath

RATHA YATRA, the Festival of Chariots: Chariots of Shri Jagannath is celebrated every year at Puri, the temple town in Odisha, on the second (dwitiya) day of shukla pakhya (waxing cycle of moon) of Āshādha Māsa (3rd month of Odia calendar). The presiding deities of the Jagannath Temple, Puri's main temple, Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadr, with the celestial wheel- Sudarshana Chakra (ସୁଦର୍ଶନ ଚକ୍ର) are removed from the temple in a ceremonial procession to their chariots. The huge, colourfully decorated chariots are drawn by multitude of devotees on the bada danda, the grand avenue to the Gundicha Temple (Gundicha– King Indradyumna's Queen), two miles away to the North. On the way the chariot of Lord Jagannatha, Nandighosa (ନନ୍ଦିଘୋଷ) waits near the crematorium of Bhakta Salabega (ଭକ୍ତ ସାଲବେଗ), a Muslim devout to pay him tribute.

On their way back from the Gundicha Temple, the three deities stop for a while near the Mausi Maa Temple (Aunt's abode) and have an offering of the Poda Pitha, which is a special type of pancake supposed to be the Lord's favourite. After a stay for seven days, the deities return to their abode.

Rath Yatra 2021

Rath Yatra 2021


2.   Mahesh Ratha Yatra in Hooghly District

Mahesh is in the main centre of the Jagannath shrine today and India’s second oldest “Rath Jatra”, or the festive home after puri. It’s the oldest chariot festival in Bengal. Devotes take the chariot to the Lord’s garden house towards the north of the Mahesh and returns it to its original place after eight days. A huge fair is held on this occasion. Since 1397, the chariot has been constantly renovated every year.

This year Mahesh’s Rath Jatra has been completed 623 years on July 04. There is a mention of the Rath Yatra in Bankim Chandra’s ‘Radharani’ story. Chaitanyadev himself came here to the chariot festival.

Organizers of Jagannath Mandir organized this event. Four hundred years after the festival began, in 1797, the grandfather of Balram Basu, the famous disciple of Sri Ramkrishna Dev, donated a chariot of Sri Krishna Naram Basu temple. In 1835, his son Guruparup Basu renewed the chariot. But a fire destroyed this chariot.

Kali Chand Bose created another chariot in 1825, but it is abandoned when someone commits suicide. Bishamma Basu made another chariot in 1857, but it was also burnt down.

The current chariot is probably a chariot donate by Dewan Krishna Chandra Bose of Martin Burn Company. It is still alive because it’s made with iron. It is 45 feet long and is built in the traditional “non-nominal” style of Bengal. The 45 feet chariot has ten wheels and nine turrets. A big fair set up during the festival and continues for one month.


Rath Yatra 2021

3.   ISCKON Rath Yatra in Kolkata

Kolkata’s Rath Jatra Festival is the second largest Rath Yatra festival in the world. About 100 years ago, the most memorable monk from Calcutta, “Srila Prabhupada”, organized the Rath Jatra festival in Kolkata when he was only six years old.

After 70 years, he again organized this festival in Calcutta in 1972. The year 1972 was July 12, Wednesday, and it was about 2 pm. When the huge chariots carry Lord Jagannath, Lord Baldev and Subhadra Devi were drawn from the Radha Govinda temple in Kolkata, from 3C Albert Road. Beautifully arranged, the huge chariot and Lord Jagannath’s idol was about 30 feet tall and were a perfect replica of Orissa’s Jagannath Puri.


Rath Yatra 2021

Rath Yatra 2021

Rath Yatra 2021

Rath Yatra 2021

Rath Yatra 2021

4.   Hare Krishna Ratha yatra in Mayapur Iskcon

The Mayapur Iskcon devotees celebrate Jagannath Rath Jatra on Gaura Purnima. Here the idol of Lord Jagannath, Baldev and Subhash will sit in the three different chariots. The chariots took out a massive procession from the Iskcon Jagannath temple Rajapur to the Chandradaya temple at Mayapur.

The most promising feature of the Mayapur rath yatra is that equality and integration become a symbol because people from different communities participate enthusiastically. It has been a practice for several years in Mayapur, there is no segregation of caste, religion, community, and many people join in this Ratha Yatra.

The preparation and planning of the festival begin on the day of the Akshaya Tritiya. Since then, over 100 devotees are spending the night and the day and work extremely hard for the Ratha Yatra festival. Therefore, the inauguration of the festival will start in the morning.

The devotees will be decorated with the chariot with colourful flowers, necklaces, flags, lamps, etc. Then, in the afternoon, the students of the Gurukula are chanted Vedic Mantra, and they carried the idol and place them to their respective cars – Taladwaja of Lord Baladeva, Devadanala of Subhadra Devi and Nandighosa of Lord Jagannath


Rath Yatra 2021

Rath Yatra 2021

5.   Mahishadal Ratha Yatra in East Midnapore District

Mahishadal in East Midnapore and famous for the chariot festival of West Bengal. The Mahisadal wooden chariot is called the world’s highest Rath (chariot). The wooden Rath height is 75 feet. In 1766, the mahisdal rath yatra was started by the Rani Janaki Devi. There are several changes in the chariot, but its primary structure has been in the same position for the last 242 years.

The walls of the chariot are brightly painted and decorated with small statues. The vast chariot is on 36 wheels.

Mahishadal Rath Jatra started at around 3 am. But it is suitable to reach earlier because the vehicle road is closed for a few hours before. So arrive as early as possible to the get opportunity to explore Mahishadal Rath Jatra.

Rath Yatra 2021

Rath Yatra 2021

6.   Dasghara Rath Yatra

Rath Yatra of Dasghara is very famous and it is very old festival. Every year this rath yatra happen in the month of Ashar. Here Radha Govinda deity used to visit on chariot.

You can reach here from Tarakeswar rail station through buses.

Rath Yatra 2021

Rath Yatra 2021

7.   Guptipara Rath Yatra

Hooghly Zilla Guptipara (Prantik Station towards East Bardhaman District) Rath Yatra is one of the ancient rath yatras of West Bengal. Guptipara Rath Yatra is old and famous as Puri, Mahesh, Iskon. This year the 279th year of Rath Yatra, is being celebrated on July 04. The first thing about Guptipara is that Guptipara’s huge and colourful chariots. It is entirely a Vaishnav centre. Here Rath Jayatra (Rath festival) is the major festival and prime attraction.

While coming to see the Guptipara Rath Yatra, you can look at the many ancient terracotta temples here.


Rath Yatra 2021

8.   Rajbalhat Ratha Yatra

Rajbalhat Rath Jatra is famous as the other festivals in West Bengal. In Rajbalhat, the Radhakanta temple was built in 1733 at Gtatakpara. Ghatkapara Radhakanta Temple is renowned for the Rath Jatra.

There is a unique feature of Rajbalhat’s chariot yatra. Here carry instated statues of Jagannath, Balaram and Suvadra; they have Radha Krishna statues.
Now Rath Jatra organized the Rajbalat School Committee, and a large fair was held at the school grounds. Fairs sell home decor items, and there is a great variety of mouthwatering food.


Rath Yatra 2021

Rath Yatra 2021

9.   New York Ratha Yatra

Since 1976, this annual Jagannath Rath Jatra festival is celebrated by Hare Krishna fans in the heart of New York City.

On July 09 1967, San Francisco started the first “Rath yatra” outside of India. The Rath Yatra started by Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (founder of ISKCON). Today the Ratha Yatra celebrated throughout the world like London, Paris, New York, Durban, Rome, etc.

The Rath Yatra Festival was held at Washington Square Park, followed by 2 pm to 7 pm. You can enjoy free, delicious vegetarian food prepared by the Hare Krishna devotees. You can also enjoy cultural events like Bharat-Natyam Dance, dramas, Hare Krishna Bhajans-Kirtans, and lots more at the festival.

New York Ratha Yatra Parade and Festival Information

The Rath Yatra start approx. At

The three chariots will move from 45th Street, Fifth Avenue down (S.E. corner) to Washington Square Park.


Rath Yatra 2021

Rath Yatra 2021

10.                     Ratha yatra London

Rath Yatra is celebrated all over the world. Pilgrims and devotees organized a massive procession for the Ratha yatra. They made substantial wooden chariots for the Deities and all the chariot pulled by hand.

After the procession, a beautiful celebration with a feast, tearing and chanting distribution of books, and more.


The procession begins: South Carriage Drive, noon from Hyde Park
The parade ends: 2 pm at Trafalgar Square
Festive ends: 5 in Trafalgar Square

Rath Yatra 2021

Rath Yatra 2021

Rath Yatra 2021


  1. Check out this link:

    Rath yatra in lockdown | जानिए ओडिसा की रथ यात्रा के बार्रे में COVID-19 के दौरान | Year 2020



